Category Archive: Non classé

Oct 13

Participation to the inaugural session of the electric association of Yueqing

Seftim take part to the inaugural session of the electric association of Yueqing. This association of more than 70 members represents 80% of the lightning protection producer from this region. This region also represent 50% of all the chinese lightning protection production. The aim of this association is to make cooperate different producer especially to …

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Sep 02

Training in Manchester

From September, 2nd to the 4th, Seftim organized a training session to lightning protection for explosive warehouse in Manchester.

Sep 01

2014, May – Qualifoudre Seminar

The Qualifoudre V3.3 reference is practicable since 2014, July . The reference also indicates that the trainers have to be certified as level 1 and their missions controlled by a level 2. The level 1 certified are trained by a level 3 from the company or a level 4 external to the company. Their training …

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Jul 25

Ligning arrester committee international chairman(37A) of the international electrotechnical committe (IEC)

Alain Rousseau is nomminated as Ligning arrester committee international chairman(37A) of the international electrotechnical committe (IEC)

Jul 09

Lightning study for the INRA

SEFTIM realized a lightning study for the INRA, near Nancy (France) to protect an equipments placed on a 20meters pole in forest (several anemometer connected to acquisition exchange, solar panels, weather implements, … ) going over the canopy by at least 5 meters. After risks estimation, the solution was mainly constituted by lightning arrester, armor-plating, …

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Jul 09

APF forum

As every year and for the thirteenth consecutive times, APF’s members are pleased to invite you to the traditionnal forum, taking place November, Tuesday the 25th, 2014, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM in the C.S.E.E.E. auditorium, 10 Rue du débarcadère, Paris 17ème.
As you know, this forum is an opportunity to met each other, share …

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Jul 01

Qualifroudre training to installer

During July, SEFTIM organized two trainings to lightning protection system installer’s. This, 6 days long,  training shows the importance of the investment realized by the installer in order to fit to Qualifoudre requirement.

Jun 23

A traduire en en_us : Meeting en Corée

From June, 23th to June 27th, the board of standards for lightning protection, to whom participate Seftim, met in order to discuss about the new standards for lightning protection for direct and photovoltaics current.
This meeting xas the occasion to visit some Korean Laboratories.

Jun 01

Convention on Maurice Island

In June, Seftim organized a convention about new international standards on Lightning protection
The topics discussed was :

Introduction : risk due to lightning
Surge Protective Devices
Lightning protection trends

direct stroke protection
earthing measurement
risk evaluation

after this convention, an article was published in the french newspaper l’Express : Read the paper

May 13

May 12th & 13th, 2014 – CIGRE congress in Lyon, France

May, the 12th & 13th, 2014, SEFTIM took part to the annual congress of the CIGRE in Lyon, France.
During this congress, SEFTIM was involved as member of the scientific board, member of the organizer board, and presenter of a paper.
Read the paper : Lightning strike-point density for risk assessment
Read the program : Program

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