

Sep 14

The Shenzhen Meteorology (CMA) Tower experiment

The project is called Shenzhen Met Tower.

The project is including a 360m specifically built tower, a lightning simulating test laboratory and a research base.

Shenzhen Experiment TowerCharacteristics of the tower:

H = 350 m: Near water, wide space and high position

Multi-methods to measure direct lightning current

Multi-directions to measure lightning

Multi-purposes lightning research

Lightning observation methods:

Direct current measurement

Electrical field measurement

Magnetic field measurement

Optical high speed video camera

Evaluation by Lightning location system


And OCT sensor:

  • Transfer the magnetic field to laser light intensity
  • Magnetic strength is linear with the laser light intensity
  • Insensitive to electromagnetic interference

Shenzhen Met TowerLightning research main objectives:

Direct measurement of Lightning Current

Electrical field gradient profile of the tower

Electromagnetic radiation of the tower

High speed camera recording of discharge

Lightning current distribution in high tower

SPD testing on ground house

Evaluation with a Lightning Location System


SEFTIM is member of the steering committee. If you want to participate or to propose research topics, contact us  (fernanda.cruz@seftim.fr)