
Author's details

Date registered: 19 August 2015

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  1. The New JUPITER is available — 20 April 2022
  2. Le JUPITER nouveau est arrivé — 20 April 2022
  3. All you wanted to know about Surge Protective Devices — 4 January 2022
  4. Tout ce que vous vouliez savoir sur les parafoudres — 4 January 2022
  5. SEFTIM’s News are moving on Linkedin — 4 January 2022

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Jun 17

SEFTIM participates to the Oil & Gas conference in Aberdeen

As part of its export activities in the oil sector, SEFTIM participated from 17 to 18 June 2015 at the conference and exhibition Oil & Gas in Aberdeen (Scotland). This meeting between professionals was an opportunity to discuss the current market and its needs, both for offshore installations in Scotland and around the world.

This was …

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Jun 17

SEFTIM participe au salon Oil&Gas d’Aberdeen

Dans le cadre de ses activtés export dans le domaine pétrolier, SEFTIM a participé du 17 au 18 juin 2015 au salon et conférence Oil & Gas d’Aberdeen (Ecosse). Cette rencontre entre professionnels du domaine a permis de débattre du marché actuel et ses besoins, tant pour les installations offshore d’Ecosse que dans le monde …

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Jun 05

A new Qualifoudre trainer Level 4 in SEFTIM

To meet the ever-increasing training needs of companies wanting Qualifoudre qualification or already being qualified according Qualifoudre 3.3, SEFTIM continues to develop its training center.
Thus SEFTIM is pleased to announce that its has obtained qualification by Quaifoudre of a second trainer at Level 4 able to train people to Level 1, 2 or 3.

May 25

Vérification Initiale Foudre de 4 sites au Botswana

Le Botswana est un pays qui possède une grande richesse au niveau de la flore et de la faune.
La foudre est un facteur très important sur le territoire. Une étude foudre a été réalisée localement pour montrer qu’elle est la densité de foudroiement dans le pays.
Suite à ces données des installations de communications situées sur des points …

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May 25

Initial Inspection of 4 sites in Botswana

Botswana is a country with great wealth in flora and fauna. Lightning is also very important in the territory.
A preliminary lightning study was conducted locally to show what is the lightning density in the country.
Following this first step, data communications facilities located on high points on 4 sites (3 sites around the capital Gaborone and …

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May 19


Pour continuer son développement à l’export et notamment dans les pays de langue Portugaise, SEFTIM vient de créer un bureau au Portugal.
Basé à Lisbonne il permet d’être proche des besoins industriels au Portugal mais également de répondre aux attentes d’autres pays lusophones comme le Brésil ou le Mozambique.

May 19


To continue its growth outside of France and especially in Portuguese -speaking countries, SEFTIM just set up an office in Portugal.
Based in Lisbon it allows to be close to industrial needs in Portugal, but also to meet the expectations of other Portuguese speaking countries like Brazil and Mozambique

May 11

Lightning Protection training in Brittany

2015 was a good year for lightning protection training in Britany showing the interest of local manufacturers, users or contractors in this area.
Brittany is not necessarily the most severe region for lightning activity, but lightning strikes have usually severe energy and soil is usually based on granite leading to important consequences.
In addition, many manufacturers with …

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May 11

Formation contre la foudre en Bretagne

2015 a été une année riche en formation foudre en Bretagne montrant l’intérêt des industriels locaux, tant utilisateurs qu’installateurs, dans ce domaine.
La Bretagne n’est pas forcément une région très foudroyée mais les coups de foudre sont généralement sévères en énergie et le sol y étant généralement granitique, les conséquences sont assez importantes.
Par ailleurs, beaucoup d’industriels …

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May 04

Training in USA for IEC standardization rules

Following his appointment as Chairman of the IEC Committee on Surge Protective Devices,
the IEC organized a 2-day training specifically dedicated to the functions of Chairman and Committee Secretary.
This training was held in the premises of IEC Regional Centre for North America,
since USA is in charge of the SPD Committee

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